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Dental Anxiety at Neo Dental 

Nobody particularly enjoys going to the dentist, however for some, dental anxiety is a genuine threat to their overall well-being while surrounded by the walls of a dental environment. Many have a fear of objects being inserted into their mouth, such as drills, while a number of people have a phobia of needles. These fears can cause great concern for a number of patients and make it increasingly difficult for the dentist to conduct their assessments or operations. However nowadays, patients are offered a number of relief systems which are proven to be beneficial when undergoing dental surgery. 

Treatments for Dental Anxiety

It is not uncommon to suffer from dental anxiety and most patients who fall into this category do so for one simple reason, fear of needles or injections. Our clinical team at Neo Dental has invested in Digiject painless injection system to make our patients experience at the practice easy and relaxing.

Digiject technology is becoming more and more popular throughout many clinical environments such as hospitals, dentistry and orthodontists. With the aid of these revolutionary devices, dental anxiety has started to become a thing of the past and patients are starting to drop their guard for lack of fear. Phobias of needles are not a new development as syringes have been used for more than a century. However the Digiject system allows nurses to administer local anaesthetics without the patient even noticing any stinging sensation. 

How does Digiject system work?

Digiject system allows our dental nurses to deliver anaesthetics without delivering any pain to our patients. These devices operate by delivering anaesthetics at the correct speed, regardless of the type of tissue. This allows the tissue to accept the treatment without any pressure building up in the process, resulting in a comfortable insertion. The Digiject device is pre-programmed with 5 delivery speeds and its dual sensors ensure that the correct method of delivery is guaranteed every time.

A few more points

These revolutionary devices are having a tremendous impact on patients suffering from dental anxiety and private dentists are beginning to notice the benefits. Patient numbers are growing thanks to these tiny devices which weigh just 150 grams. Cartridge holders can be changed and replaced, meaning all sizes of injection are accounted for. There is a digital display on each device which shows the battery life, delivery mode, pressure stop points and the volume of anaesthetic being administered. 

Digiject system puts our patients at ease. They can feel safe and relaxed in our team’s hands. If you have any dental any dental anxiety or fear contact Neo Dental clinical team and book your appointment today.